I am excited to bring this to you and am committed to growing our website into a very special
place. While the initial content is basic, you can look for this site
to grow. Through the contributions of all past members, we will create a
history page, an incredible photo gallery, and a news section.
most recent cool addition is The Mark In Time book, found under the Photo Album
page. Click on the Photo Album side bar to find the pdf link for you
to view the book on your computer. Check it out! Then send me a fun note.
I'd love to hear from you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Check out the Members page - the Connection
Collection. The list of people I have found is growing every
week. If there's someone you know that I haven't located, please have them
contact me.
If you once belonged the the Emerald Grenadears,
all girl drum and bugle corps,
you belonged to a unique family of beautiful
Your membership never expires.
We will continue to be
connected through time and
this website will be one way to bring us closer and
closer together.
This web site is maintained by Sue (Firth)
Please email me anytime:

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